Investigating the Impact of Environmental and Organizational Factors on the Adoption of Social Networking Sites (SNSs)


  • Md Ziaul Haque a.University of International Business and Economics b.Noakhali Science and Technology University
  • Aimin Qian University of International Business and Economics
  • Taslima Akther a. Wuhan University of Technology b. Jagannath University



Environmental, Organizational, Institutional, Investors, SNSs, Adoption.


The way of communication and pattern of doing business have been changed remarkably due to adoption of social networking sites intensively in daily life. This study attempts to unveil the impact of environmental and organizational factors on SNSs adoption among the institutional investors in Bangladesh. By using structured online questionnaires, data were collected from the institutional investors. Partial least square based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), a variance based statistical analysis technique, was used to analyze the data. It explored that environmental and organizational factors are significant antecedents to adopt the social networking sites (SNSs) among the institutional investors. Remarkably, it found that environmental factors have significant impact on organizational factors during the adoption of SNSs among the institutional investors. Most remarkable finding is observed that environmental factors are more robust predictor than organizational factors during the adoption of SNSs. This study will enrich the existing literature by incorporating organizational and environmental factor as direct determinants of intention to use as well as TOE. It will help institutional investors and service providers to formulate strategy regarding the adoption of SNSs in institutional context.

Author Biographies

  • Md Ziaul Haque, a.University of International Business and Economics b.Noakhali Science and Technology University
    Assistant Professor, Department of Managment Information Systems
  • Aimin Qian, University of International Business and Economics
    Professor, School of Business
  • Taslima Akther, a. Wuhan University of Technology b. Jagannath University

    Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting & Information Systems


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